Tuesday, March 22, 2016

On to the next chapter...

"I feel like a farmer" my seven year old son, Mason, said after we just got done setting up our new baby chicks' brooder (baby chick house). And he got me thinking this place is like a farm -- a funny farm for sure -- our own little Suburban Funny Farm.

As some of you know, we recently have relocated back to beautiful Colorado after living overseas for two plus years. Living overseas was a wonderful adventure that concluded with an amazing end to that chapter of our lives. So that is why I have decided to start a new blog and say farewell to my Gines Family Adventure blog so that I can journal and chronicle this new chapter.

The Gines Family Adventure blog has been an amazing outlet to my thoughts, feelings, fears, hopes and dreams! It has kept me sane, been my best friend and always listened; all the while documenting our greatest adventures. I would love for you to continue to follow our run-of-the-mill yet unique life as we move on to the next chapter.

My new blog can be found at:

Farewell, au reviour, adios, g'day mate, totsiens, sampai jumpa!!!!

(And as always, to be continued!!!)

Friday, January 8, 2016

Winter wonderland...

Wow!! The last few weeks have been a whirlwind of family, friends, food and adventure. Our 1st Christmas since moving back was absolutely precious! Santa spoiled us and we enjoyed our time spent in our new home. Our adventures were also amazingly memorable and we got to share them with a dear Canadian friend who lives and traveled from Indonesia to Canada then to Denver just to see us!    

The day after Christmas Hannah, Mason and I drove to DIA to pick up our dear friend. We waited anxiously, however, it is extremely heartwarming to watch people picking up their loved ones in the arrivals area – I always cry! We finally spied our friend and the kiddos and I immediately jumped up and down and gave her big hugs! I missed her more than I realized and seeing her beautiful face also reminded me of the faces we left behind in Tembagapura. Such a bittersweet meet!

That next morning, bright and early, we all loaded up in the car and drove to go skiing at Loveland ski resort. I know some of my fellow Coloradans might be balking at the decision to go to Loveland but it is just two days after Christmas during the highest peak of the skiing season and we wanted to ski more than wait in line amongst hundreds of other tourists at a bigger ski resort. The drive up could not have represented Colorado’s beauty more. The mountains were glistening with fresh powder, all the pine trees were perfectly white-capped and the traffic was wonderful.

Now, it has been roughly six years since Mike and I last skied and I was nervous. My nervousness was slightly dulled by Hannah and Mason’s nervousness to ski for the very first time. I was so excited for them though as Mike and I both grew up skiing and we both really treasured that time. Now it’s their turn to partake in what Colorado is most known for!

It took us all a while to get suited and sorted and we were happy to have another amazing friend join us who lived in Tembagapura and has also recently moved back to Colorado. She was happy to take our Canadian friend to hit the slopes while Mike and I got the kiddos signed into ski school.

After we got them into the school Mike and I got to do a few runs. The weather was gorgeously clear but it was cold, especially above tree line. The slopes were nice and powdery and pleasantly uncrowded.  A few hours went on and we then headed back to watch Hannah and Mason.

They did absolutely wonderful. It was so cute and, I must admit, very entertaining. They look so little but fearless as they zoomed by stumbling tourists who have never seen snow much less consciously put two slipped-up sticks to their feet. It was even more adorable in Mason’s group all the little newbies would get so close together one would fall then all of them would gracefully go down – too stinkin’ cute! We all had a great day and a quiet, peaceful ride home.            

Another early morning came and the next day we purposefully braved the cold Rocky Mountains again but this time drove up to Winter Park (one of my favorites) to go snowmobiling. Snowmobiling is one of the things that made me fall in love with Mike for many reasons but the way he looks… never mind sorry, back to snowmobiling.     

This morning was especially cold -- a balmy 1 degree Fahrenheit. We suited up again and then sat in the shade (even colder) as we listened to the instructor instruct us on our machines. During the, seemingly FOREVER speech in the shade, in 1 degree weather, I started losing feeling in my finger tips and toes.

Finally we were off on our machines through country Mike and I have ridden through many, many times. It was like a winter wonderland and I was so excited that our friend got to see even more of Colorado’s elegance. However, I was quickly becoming more and more near-tears due to the excruciating pain in my fingers and toes from Jack Frost’s bite.    

Mike suddenly stopped on the trail and I wasn’t the only one in tears, Hannah was sobbing in pain. We got out the hand and feet warms stuffed them in her gloves and shoes. We drove off to a sunny spot to stop and Mason was next, balling and immobile due to the cold. Finally we finally got everyone warmed up and happy and we sped off.

On our way up to Corona Pass we rode by the Rollins Pass Ghost Depot. An abandoned depot from old railroad that was the primary travel route from Denver until Berthoud Pass (a very (scary) twisty road with tight, tight curves) was constructed. ( The train’s trestle still eerily stands and is a stunning site that exudes Colorado’s colorful history.

We drive up to Corona Pass and there everything opens up to a steep hill that goes way up above the tree line. There you can drive to a spot that overlooks the entire Grand County valley and it is just that and breathtaking – literally and figuratively. She and Mike drove up to the spot and she got to see the brilliant view.

We drove around a little bit more but the sun was going down and the temperature was doing the same. It was time to call it a day. Two days of playing in the Rocky Mountains called for a lazy next morning and sleeping in and that is just what we did! Once we were completely rested it was now time to show off our downtown Denver also known as the Mile High City (because it is a mile above sea level).

We walked, shopped, rode the 16th Street Mall buses and ate at a fantastic restaurant called Lucky Pie. We also visited Union Station. Union Station – Denver’s original train station was originally built in 1881 (rebuilt after a fire in 1894) and has recently been completely remolded to preserve its history but also includes modern flare. Inside the station are locally owned shops, a bar, shuffle board table, a hotel and most importantly the old-school train benches. It is a cool piece of Denver nostalgia.

That night we had to say goodbye to our dear friend as she had a warm beach waiting for her. I was bummed but we had such an amazing time and I know it’s not a forever goodbye.

New Year’s Eve quickly came and we had even more Tembagapura guests to visit us. YAY!!!!!!!!!! Again, I didn’t realize how much I missed them. We are so blessed to have a group from Colorado that lived/lives in Indonesia that we get to see!!! We all caught up with each other and successfully rang in the New Year! We had a great time!!

As it is a New Year, most people do New Year’s resolutions but I typically don’t, because I am a walking, breathing resolution to better every day. However, this year I am going to continue to make it my plan to discover and share where we live together as a family.

As always, to be continued...      

Monday, December 21, 2015

'Tis the Season and our new addition...

We are now only four days to Christmas Day!! We are all so excited! Most people know that I love Christmas. It is one of my favorite holidays (tied with the 4th of July) and my house, during the holiday season, you can expect holiday music, movies and the beginning of decorations right after Halloween. And yes, it does drive my family a little crazy!

Well this year has been no exception. In fact, it has probably been exacerbated since we haven’t celebrated Christmas in Colorado since 2012 and it has been a magical season so far.

So far, there have been three really great events that we have been blessed to enjoy and one was seeing Manheim Steamroller in concert at the Buell Theatre. I LOVE MANHEIM STEAMROLLER (not yelling, just excited!) My family has played Manheim every Christmas day since I was really little and the tradition has lived on to my little family.

Mike, Hannah, Mason and I got all dressed up fancy, went to an early dinner and on our way we went to the Denver Center for Performing Arts – another really great attribute of Colorado/Denver is their performing arts -- top notch in my opinion.  

Manheim was amazing! It brought back so many memories all the while I was making more memories with my family. There was one time during intermission an older gentleman said to us how great it was that we were exposing our kids to such culture. All I could do was smile and say thank you – he has no idea!!

Another magical experience we have had recently was adding a new dog into our lives! Kiesel Turbo Diesel is a very sweet, big and adorable lab – a surrender from another State. It has been wonderful adding, what was obviously, a missing piece to our unit. It has brought up some emotions of Honey as Honey had to be put down due to mouth cancer this last winter. Honey will never be replaced but we definitely love having Kiesel!

The last and most important to me so far this month has been celebrating Christmas with my immediate family -- my parents, siblings and nieces and nephew. Again, we haven’t all been together for Christmas since 2012 and the evening was absolutely amazing and had a total blast!!

The fun isn’t over and I am sooooooo excited to celebrate more with family and friends, as well as, host some dear friends all the way from Indonesia. Lastly, I am so excited to see my kiddos faces when they wake up to a snowy, Christmas day (#2 on Hannah’s Christmas list, right after asking for world peace).   

As always, to be continued and wishing our friends and family from all over the world a very magical and blessed Christmas!!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

On the flip side...

read once that the phrase "catch ya on the flip side" had to do with vinyl records. There were times when people would say "I'll talk to you when the record is flipped". Which then guickly developed into "I'll catch ya on the flip side". That quirky phrase makes sense and it's a phrase so apropos to my life now. 

So much has happened and changed in the months since coming home but it seems like the "record has flipped". I mean that in many ways for example: in Tembagapura I had all the time in the world to cook but never the right ingredients and now I have all the right ingredients but never the time. Another is the weather in Indonesia and Australia was always beautifully pleasant -- a consistent, warm 72 degrees and now in beautiful Colorado it's FREEZING!! Lastly, every holiday we had in Indo my heartached for my Colorado family and this Thanksgiving as I was surrounded by 40 of some of my closest relatives and I could not help but miss my Tembagapura family. Seems ironic-- I am on the flip side of almost everything. A complete 180 degrees. 

Now don't get me wrong I am not complaining, it's an absolute blessing to have learned, met, hugged, lived and loved the friends and experiences that we had. Experiences that we may never have had without taking a huge leap and it's now gorgeous to be "on the flip side". 

Mike has been home a little over a month now and absolutely loves his new job. It's been an absolute joy to have him home in the mornings and our house has been filled with more happiness and giggles than ever before. 

Our house is nicely decorated for Christmas and in addition to Christmas we are looking forward to more sledding in the backyard (which has become quite the past time) and our newest and highly anticipated journey of teaching Hannah and Mason to ski. 

As always, to be continued and catch ya on the flip side... 

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...

This morning a very big event occurred -- it snowed!!!! Wow, who cares right?! But we haven't seen snow since the winter of 2012-2013!!! And this morning, Mason and Hannah were so excited!!!

The thing is, is it was not just about seeing the snow for me it was about how it affected me -- I stepped out to get in my car and the smell, sound and sight flooded me with my fantastic childhood and early adult memories!! 

It flashed sledding, skiing in Silver Creek where my sister got her lip stuck to a pole when licking off snow, my hands so cold from making snowmen and snow forts that I would run hot water on them and it felt cold, ham sandwiches with hot chocolate and sitting in Mike's old hot tub while fluffy flakes danced on my eyelashes.

I knew I missed snow but didn't realize how much of my life it has been a part of and what it means to me! The most important thing now is how I get the precious opportunity to re-discover it again with my kiddos and family! So blessed! 

As always, to be continued...  

Mason looking at the snow from his room:

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

The hardest goodbye and re-discovery...

It has been several months since my last blog and looking back a lot has transpired. The kiddos and I came back to the States temporarily to deal with a few pressing issues and those issues turned into months. The decision became obvious, it was time to move back home.

This “decision” has been one of the hardest decisions we have ever had to make. The difference about moving to Indonesia, yes it was awfully hard, but we knew it was temporary and our goodbyes would one day become hellos again. Leaving Tembagapura (will most likely be) a goodbye forever and that is what hurts the deepest -- the faces that become your family, the ones you see every day, the ones you rely upon when shit gets crazy; those beautiful faces, I fear I may never see again. Oh god just saying that kills me. But after much discussion, tears, back and forth, pros and cons -- moving home was still the best decision for our family.   

It’s amazing how resilient my kiddos are. The things they have seen and been through accounts for an adult person’s life experiences and they are the better for it as evidenced by how well they have transitioned moving back. These last few months they have desperately missed their friends from Indonesia but they love to share their experiences with their new friends here.

There was one thing that was an issue -- Hannah and Mason were being bullied by three kids at their new school. They teased them by calling them “cultural weirdos”. It did bother them but we discussed that, that really wasn’t all that mean, it was more of a compliment (and jealousy). After the discussion one boy said it again to Hannah and all she said was “how is that going for you? Calling us cultural weirdos?” and they haven’t teased them since. (Oh the joys of childhood but so proud of my confident little Hannah)

Despite Hannah and Mason’s resilience, it has been a trying couple of months especially since Mike had stayed back in Indonesia. (I take my hat off to the single moms out there – you really are Super Moms!!) Since coming home there have been situations that have occurred that have proved how blessed I am to have the amazing family I have, especially my parents, who would and have done so much for us. Thanks mom and dad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our little unit of three have had fun new adventures back in Colorado like Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, gymnastics, camping, camp fires with s’mores, running in the luscious green grass, playing in the crunchy fallen leaves, slumber parties with cousins, moving into a new house, getting a new job but our little unit was incomplete – we needed our daddy.

After days of raging fires that kept Mike stranded in an angry, crowded airport he finally landed last night!! YESSSS!!!!!!!!! I was so excited to see his gorgeous face!! But as I was waiting in the airport, the reality of no longer living in the magical jungle of Tembagapura in Papua, Indonesia really hit me hard. And I wondered, will I ever feel special again? What will we do now?

It wasn’t until this morning at the kitchen table where we were all back together giggling and laughing that I realized, my family is what makes me special and this is just the official turning-of-a-page from one really great chapter to a new one in our Gines Family Adventure. It’s now time for a re-discovery!

A re-discovery of beautiful Colorado, beautiful America, my beautiful family and a re-discovery of me!

This isn't the end just a new beginning... and as always, to be continued!!......

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

PARIS!!: Arc de Triomphe, the Eiffel Tower, my life is complete...

Paris has been absolutely amazing -- the people, the sights, the food, the champagne and the wine. In fact we've had a friendlier experience here in Paris than we did in Rome. Today we are going to ride a double-decker sight-seeing bus. Mason has been begging us since Rome to ride one and I can't think of a better city to ride around and see!!!

The ride was perfect!! Paris is gorgeously breathtaking!! On our route we stopped at the most triumphal arches, the Arc de Triomphe. It is enormous and beautiful. The detail is incredible.

The triumphal arch is in honor of those who fought for France, in particular, those who fought during the Napoleonic Wars. Engraved on the inside and at the top of the arch are all of the names of the generals and wars fought. There are inscriptions in the ground underneath the vault of the arch which include the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier from World War I where  the Memorial Flame burns and have made the Arc de Triomphe Paris a revered patriotic site (credit:

Names line the inside of the arch and the names that are underlined are those who died while fighting, that was humbling along with seeing the Tomb of the Unknown Solider who died in WWI.

From the Tomb we bought tickets to go up to the very top of the Arch. The tiny, narrow staircase seemed to go on forever but once we reached the top the wind and height took my breath away. The view was stunning. We could see for miles and miles and could also see the Eiffel Tower in the distance. Paris, from every angle of the top of the Arch, is incredible.

Our double-decker ride was wonderful. The next day we ended up at the Eiffel Tower. Of all that I have seen or wanted to see, the Eiffel Tower is, absolutely, the number one thing I wanted to see on this trip. It is enormous. The Eiffel Tower was built in 1889 by Gustave Eiffel to celebrate the 100th year anniversary of the French Revolution. It was only meant to last 20 years but renovations and restoration keep it alive today.

Once we walked underneath it, I couldn't help but get giddy -- this was a dream come true! While we waited in line we took the opportunity to really look at it. Mike was most impressed by the iron detail -- spirals and curls make the tower beautifully ornate.

We got to the 2nd level and could see the Arc de Triomphe in the distance, that made me smile. We looked at the Parisian city and took-in its beauty once more. We all put on hands on the Tower and took a picture, WE WERE HERE!!

Paris is, without-a-doubt, brilliantly sensational. We have enjoyed Paris and will never forget our time here and our time spent in Spain and Italy, as well. This trip could not have have gone any better and will stay in my heart forever.  

We are now home in Indonesia and I can't help but feel that my life is complete -- I have so many blessings to be grateful for, especially grateful for my patient and loving husband and my healthy and happy children. I look forward to whatever adventure comes next and as always, to be continued...